Confused ???? of AngularJS ?, Angular 2 ? and Angular 4 ?

Hey guys, are you confused about hearing different versions of Angular as I was when I heard this for the first time. I too had a problem of understanding which version to learn and which is the best one.


Do not worry. This is a post written just for you to make a clear cut idea of different versions of Angualr. So, lets get started……..

AngularJS or currently Angular is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web application framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications.

AngularJS team added a lot of feature into the core. But the framework was not built with the needs of today’s web application in mind and became more complex. It came in 2010. This is also called as Angular 1.x or simply Angular.JS/Angular JS.

So, inorder to handle this Angular team once again came with a new upgrade from Angular 1.x to Angular 2 having Typescript as feature. This created a lot of problems to the developers who have already written thousands of code in Angular 1.

Because of this huge difference from Angular JS 1.x to Angular 2 created havoc.

Angular 2 with typescript came on 2016. It became a lot more easier to learn and develop.

With some minor upgrades Angular 2 started to gain the popularity until suddenly Angular 4 got released on 2017. This gave a shock to all developers once again.

But, we came to know that there is almost no change in Angular 4 from Angular 2. So what happened? Did we miss anything……….??

Let me explain… Angular contains lots of libraries like core, compiler, HTTP, router etc. When Angular 2 started upgrading slowly all its modules were also getting upgraded. But one of the module Router (used for navigation) got upgraded to 3.3.0 when other modules were only at 2.3.0.

So, to avoid confusion in future Angular team declared everything to Angular 4.

Now, In order to solve the confusion of all the versions. They split Angular versions to two parts.

  1. Angular 1 or Angular JS written in Java script
  2. Angular (2+) written in Typescript


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